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 min read
PicnicHealth and Komodo Health to speak at ISPOR 2022 Annual Meeting
PicnicHealth will present the “The Empowered Patient: Driving individual and population health with data & technology” at ISPOR 2022
Life Sciences
 min read
PicnicHealth and Komodo Health to speak at ISPOR 2022 Annual Meeting
PicnicHealth will present the “The Empowered Patient: Driving individual and population health with data & technology” at ISPOR 2022
Life Sciences
Going From ‘Crigler Kid’ to Post-Transplant Adult
I’m traveling new paths, navigating the intersections of my past and present selves.
Going From ‘Crigler Kid’ to Post-Transplant Adult
I’m traveling new paths, navigating the intersections of my past and present selves.
‘I Think You Should Get Upset About Big Things’
Two brothers reflect on being diagnosed with Fabry disease at 15 and 19, entering adult care at young ages and the urgent need for mental health support.
‘I Think You Should Get Upset About Big Things’
Two brothers reflect on being diagnosed with Fabry disease at 15 and 19, entering adult care at young ages and the urgent need for mental health support.
When People Point and Stare
There’s no perfect way to handle people’s reactions to physical differences, but over the years I’ve developed a few techniques.
When People Point and Stare
There’s no perfect way to handle people’s reactions to physical differences, but over the years I’ve developed a few techniques.
When People Point and Stare
When you are born with a rare medical condition, you are faced with endless appointments with various doctors trying to help with the physical nature of your condition. However, I’ve found that doctors rarely seem to mention the psychological effect of what living with a rare condition can bring — especially if your condition makes you look visually different from the average person.
When People Point and Stare
When you are born with a rare medical condition, you are faced with endless appointments with various doctors trying to help with the physical nature of your condition. However, I’ve found that doctors rarely seem to mention the psychological effect of what living with a rare condition can bring — especially if your condition makes you look visually different from the average person.
What Fabry Disease Taught My Family About Mental Health
The issues with support for young people and for anyone with a rare disease are clear. When help is needed it is usually needed immediately.
What Fabry Disease Taught My Family About Mental Health
The issues with support for young people and for anyone with a rare disease are clear. When help is needed it is usually needed immediately.
A Day in the Life With Sadie
Sadie hasn't really regressed as much as most kids her age with Sanfilippo, but the more therapy, the better.
A Day in the Life With Sadie
Sadie hasn't really regressed as much as most kids her age with Sanfilippo, but the more therapy, the better.
How TikTok Can Raise Awareness for MLD
When we ask Gabby, “You want to do a TikTok?” she smiles and gets happy.
How TikTok Can Raise Awareness for MLD
When we ask Gabby, “You want to do a TikTok?” she smiles and gets happy.
The Coach Taking on Sarcoidosis
Michael Patterson turned his passion for coaching football and mentoring into an effort to combat the effects of sarcoidosis.
The Coach Taking on Sarcoidosis
Michael Patterson turned his passion for coaching football and mentoring into an effort to combat the effects of sarcoidosis.
No Family Facing a Rare Diagnosis Should Get Outdated Information
After our daughter was diagnosed with Kabuki syndrome, we were given outdated educational material. I don’t want that to happen to anyone else.
No Family Facing a Rare Diagnosis Should Get Outdated Information
After our daughter was diagnosed with Kabuki syndrome, we were given outdated educational material. I don’t want that to happen to anyone else.
When Every Day Is Rare Disease Day
The #RareSnapshots that drive our work all year round.
When Every Day Is Rare Disease Day
The #RareSnapshots that drive our work all year round.
What’s Really Important in Life
After my daughter was diagnosed with MELAS and Leigh syndrome, our family decided to embrace doing fun activities and taking pictures to remember it all.
What’s Really Important in Life
After my daughter was diagnosed with MELAS and Leigh syndrome, our family decided to embrace doing fun activities and taking pictures to remember it all.
My Son Graham
It’s perhaps my greatest honor that while I lost Graham physically, I carry him every day to work with me.
My Son Graham
It’s perhaps my greatest honor that while I lost Graham physically, I carry him every day to work with me.
When Your Child’s Experience Can Help Someone Else
Danielle and Michelle of Love Never Sinks discuss how information gathered from the previous generation of children with Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is helping families today.
When Your Child’s Experience Can Help Someone Else
Danielle and Michelle of Love Never Sinks discuss how information gathered from the previous generation of children with Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is helping families today.
‘It’s Okay to Talk About It’
Three men from the rare disease community discuss the importance of mental health support.
‘It’s Okay to Talk About It’
Three men from the rare disease community discuss the importance of mental health support.
It’s Not ‘Just’ Fatigue
Getting diagnosed with Fabry disease was a relief in some ways — to know that there was actually something wrong.
It’s Not ‘Just’ Fatigue
Getting diagnosed with Fabry disease was a relief in some ways — to know that there was actually something wrong.
How to Find a Culturally Competent Provider
Seeking care for a rare condition, which often means having few options to begin with, can make this even more challenging.
How to Find a Culturally Competent Provider
Seeking care for a rare condition, which often means having few options to begin with, can make this even more challenging.
Playing Cody on ABC's 'The Good Doctor' and Representing Kabuki Syndrome on TV
I hope my debut TV appearance will raise awareness, encourage research and remind everyone that people with Kabuki syndrome should follow their dreams.
Playing Cody on ABC's 'The Good Doctor' and Representing Kabuki Syndrome on TV
I hope my debut TV appearance will raise awareness, encourage research and remind everyone that people with Kabuki syndrome should follow their dreams.
We Don’t Want Other Parents to Feel the Same Pain
Families who have felt the devastation of MLD want to help, and participating in research is one way to do that.
We Don’t Want Other Parents to Feel the Same Pain
Families who have felt the devastation of MLD want to help, and participating in research is one way to do that.
 min read
Infographic: Resolving challenges in data completeness with machines and humans
Data completeness is essential to real-world data (RWD) quality. In this infographic, we will explore how data completeness is defined and improved.
Life Sciences
 min read
Infographic: Resolving challenges in data completeness with machines and humans
Data completeness is essential to real-world data (RWD) quality. In this infographic, we will explore how data completeness is defined and improved.
Life Sciences
My PNH Journey: The Fight Continues
Hear from a real PicnicHealth user, Maegan, and her experiences living with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria as she continues her journey and finds peace with her diagnosis and raises awareness for the rare disease community.
My PNH Journey: The Fight Continues
Hear from a real PicnicHealth user, Maegan, and her experiences living with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria as she continues her journey and finds peace with her diagnosis and raises awareness for the rare disease community.
My PNH Journey: The Power of a Diagnosis
Hear the story of a real PicnicHealth user, Maegan, and her experiences as she has recently received a diagnosis of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria and is now living with a rare disease and constructing a new normal.
My PNH Journey: The Power of a Diagnosis
Hear the story of a real PicnicHealth user, Maegan, and her experiences as she has recently received a diagnosis of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria and is now living with a rare disease and constructing a new normal.
Tracing the Underrepresentation of Black Physicians in America
Years of systemic racism have prohibited or limited the ability of many Black individuals from obtaining a medical education. For Black patients and families impacted by rare disease, seeking health care professionals who are also Black can be uniquely challenging.
Tracing the Underrepresentation of Black Physicians in America
Years of systemic racism have prohibited or limited the ability of many Black individuals from obtaining a medical education. For Black patients and families impacted by rare disease, seeking health care professionals who are also Black can be uniquely challenging.
What Boldness Means to Me
My experience with Leigh syndrome has opened my eyes to how many people are impacted by rare disease — and what we can do about it.
What Boldness Means to Me
My experience with Leigh syndrome has opened my eyes to how many people are impacted by rare disease — and what we can do about it.
How I Start Conversations About Sickle Cell
People I meet ask me what I do and I say, “I write children’s books for kids with sickle cell disease.”
How I Start Conversations About Sickle Cell
People I meet ask me what I do and I say, “I write children’s books for kids with sickle cell disease.”
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