Resources & Articles

A basket of patient stories, research updates, and company news.

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Company Updates
 min read
PicnicHealth Partners with Komodo Health
PicnicHealth is excited to partner with Komodo Health to enrich its patient-centered real-world data Research Platform. This collaboration will enable PicnicHealth to unlock rich new insights about complex diseases and treatment outcomes.
Life Sciences
Company Updates
 min read
PicnicHealth Partners with Komodo Health
PicnicHealth is excited to partner with Komodo Health to enrich its patient-centered real-world data Research Platform. This collaboration will enable PicnicHealth to unlock rich new insights about complex diseases and treatment outcomes.
Life Sciences
Sickle Cell Disease
Sickle cell disease is the most common inherited blood disorder in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 100,000 people are living with sickle cell in the US
Life Sciences
Sickle Cell Disease
Sickle cell disease is the most common inherited blood disorder in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 100,000 people are living with sickle cell in the US
Life Sciences
Company Updates
 min read
PicnicHealth Announces Formation of Scientific Advisory Board
We’re excited to announce the formation of our Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) and welcome inaugural members, including Robert Kaplan, PhD, Jeffrey Brown, PhD, and Milena Gianfrancesco, PhD, MPH.
Life Sciences
Company Updates
 min read
PicnicHealth Announces Formation of Scientific Advisory Board
We’re excited to announce the formation of our Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) and welcome inaugural members, including Robert Kaplan, PhD, Jeffrey Brown, PhD, and Milena Gianfrancesco, PhD, MPH.
Life Sciences
6 Questions About NPC for Dr. Elizabeth Berry-Kravis of Rush University Medical Center
The esteemed pediatric neurologist spoke to AllStripes about Niemann-Pick disease type C research, the importance of medical records — and hope.
6 Questions About NPC for Dr. Elizabeth Berry-Kravis of Rush University Medical Center
The esteemed pediatric neurologist spoke to AllStripes about Niemann-Pick disease type C research, the importance of medical records — and hope.
What Does ‘Care Team’ Mean to You?
Four members of the rare disease community describe their experiences with coordinated health care.
What Does ‘Care Team’ Mean to You?
Four members of the rare disease community describe their experiences with coordinated health care.
8 Highlights From the Global Genes RARE Patient Advocacy Summit
A roundup of thoughtful and energetic takeaways, courtesy of our AllStripes Ambassadors.
8 Highlights From the Global Genes RARE Patient Advocacy Summit
A roundup of thoughtful and energetic takeaways, courtesy of our AllStripes Ambassadors.
What I Want People to Understand About Having Morquio A
“There are times when it’s not fun, but there are benefits you’ll see once you accept the diagnosis and begin to meet others.”
What I Want People to Understand About Having Morquio A
“There are times when it’s not fun, but there are benefits you’ll see once you accept the diagnosis and begin to meet others.”
‘My Purpose Right Now Is to Help Her Be the Best She Can Be’
Lara is the mother of Eden, a bubbly 13-year-old with a rare condition. After years of symptoms, Eden was diagnosed with Kleefstra syndrome at 8 years old.
‘My Purpose Right Now Is to Help Her Be the Best She Can Be’
Lara is the mother of Eden, a bubbly 13-year-old with a rare condition. After years of symptoms, Eden was diagnosed with Kleefstra syndrome at 8 years old.
‘Why Not Try to Live a Little?’
Community builder Ade Adeyokunnu refuses to let sickle cell keep him from living.
‘Why Not Try to Live a Little?’
Community builder Ade Adeyokunnu refuses to let sickle cell keep him from living.
The Many Forms of Grief
This week, we’re exploring just a few of grief’s many forms.
The Many Forms of Grief
This week, we’re exploring just a few of grief’s many forms.
What’s the Difference Between a 504 and an IEP?
Some basic information for anyone with 504s or IEPs on their mind this back-to-school season.
What’s the Difference Between a 504 and an IEP?
Some basic information for anyone with 504s or IEPs on their mind this back-to-school season.
‘You Have to Stay Positive — But You’ve Got to Get to That Point First.’
Blaine has fully embraced the community that helped him through the early years of his diagnosis with IBM, a rare muscle disease.
‘You Have to Stay Positive — But You’ve Got to Get to That Point First.’
Blaine has fully embraced the community that helped him through the early years of his diagnosis with IBM, a rare muscle disease.
Everything to Know About Drug Repurposing
Only 5 percent of rare diseases have approved treatments. How could drug repurposing help?
Everything to Know About Drug Repurposing
Only 5 percent of rare diseases have approved treatments. How could drug repurposing help?
3 Links: Representation, the Time Tax and Support
This week, Finding Dory and disability representation, how the time tax relates to rare disease and profound insight on giving and receiving support.
3 Links: Representation, the Time Tax and Support
This week, Finding Dory and disability representation, how the time tax relates to rare disease and profound insight on giving and receiving support.
What It’s Like to Live With a ‘Children’s Disease’ at 38
Barry is a gregarious, outgoing jokester. He’s also leading the charge for adult GM2 research.
What It’s Like to Live With a ‘Children’s Disease’ at 38
Barry is a gregarious, outgoing jokester. He’s also leading the charge for adult GM2 research.
3 Links: Disability Pride Month
Content about disabilities, curated with the rare disease community in mind.
3 Links: Disability Pride Month
Content about disabilities, curated with the rare disease community in mind.
‘No One Could Figure Out What Was Wrong’
After Alexis began experiencing eye pain, a doctor predicted she had a long diagnostic journey in front of her. He was right.
‘No One Could Figure Out What Was Wrong’
After Alexis began experiencing eye pain, a doctor predicted she had a long diagnostic journey in front of her. He was right.
A Glimpse Into Linnea’s Future
After Dinah’s daughter was diagnosed with CCM3, a rare condition that causes brain lesions, she went looking for clues about what might lie ahead.
A Glimpse Into Linnea’s Future
After Dinah’s daughter was diagnosed with CCM3, a rare condition that causes brain lesions, she went looking for clues about what might lie ahead.
I Freaking Love Selfies
To me, they mean self-confidence, loving my disabled body fully and unapologetically taking up space.
I Freaking Love Selfies
To me, they mean self-confidence, loving my disabled body fully and unapologetically taking up space.
‘We Didn’t Know What Was Happening to Her’
Julie’s daughter Amber, who has Kleefstra syndrome, went through a period of regression that stumped her doctors.
‘We Didn’t Know What Was Happening to Her’
Julie’s daughter Amber, who has Kleefstra syndrome, went through a period of regression that stumped her doctors.
Karen Wants More People to Know Her Son — and to Learn About Lesch–Nyhan Syndrome
Karen would rather people take a straightforward interest in Doug than stare at him.
Karen Wants More People to Know Her Son — and to Learn About Lesch–Nyhan Syndrome
Karen would rather people take a straightforward interest in Doug than stare at him.
‘It’s About More Than Just Me’
How Julianne, a young adult with Gorham-Stout disease, is pushing past her own discomfort to help others.
‘It’s About More Than Just Me’
How Julianne, a young adult with Gorham-Stout disease, is pushing past her own discomfort to help others.
The Answer to a Question James Had Been Asking for 31 Years
How making a friend in the rare-disease community led to an accurate diagnosis of PROS.
The Answer to a Question James Had Been Asking for 31 Years
How making a friend in the rare-disease community led to an accurate diagnosis of PROS.
Stella's CDKL5 Diagnosis Showed Him What Life Is All About
Joe is determined to help his family, one meal at a time.
Stella's CDKL5 Diagnosis Showed Him What Life Is All About
Joe is determined to help his family, one meal at a time.
Bullied Because of a Rare Condition, This Dancer Is Now Redefining Beauty
Andrea was rejected for professional dance jobs because PROS caused growths to develop on her face, but she refused to let society’s standard of beauty stop her from living out her passion.
Bullied Because of a Rare Condition, This Dancer Is Now Redefining Beauty
Andrea was rejected for professional dance jobs because PROS caused growths to develop on her face, but she refused to let society’s standard of beauty stop her from living out her passion.
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