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Company Updates
 min read
2021: A Year in Review
2021 was another exciting year at PicnicHealth. We’re looking back and celebrating all that we accomplished with our patient volunteers and life science partners. Take a look with us. And thank you for coming along on our journey.
Life Sciences
Company Updates
 min read
2021: A Year in Review
2021 was another exciting year at PicnicHealth. We’re looking back and celebrating all that we accomplished with our patient volunteers and life science partners. Take a look with us. And thank you for coming along on our journey.
Life Sciences
5 Ways to Observe This Year's Black History Month
This year, the theme focuses on Black Health and Wellness — an especially timely focus.
5 Ways to Observe This Year's Black History Month
This year, the theme focuses on Black Health and Wellness — an especially timely focus.
I Learned I Couldn’t Do This Alone
The same goes for NPC research — we need community participation to move it forward.
I Learned I Couldn’t Do This Alone
The same goes for NPC research — we need community participation to move it forward.
Lifting Up Legacy Families
I’ve realized how much families like mine can help families currently dealing with the everyday challenges of NPC.
Lifting Up Legacy Families
I’ve realized how much families like mine can help families currently dealing with the everyday challenges of NPC.
Living With a Rare Disease Is Not Cheap
As the founder of Myositis Support and Understanding Association (MSU), I’ve seen and experienced how far-ranging the impact of living with a rare disease like dermatomyositis can be.
Living With a Rare Disease Is Not Cheap
As the founder of Myositis Support and Understanding Association (MSU), I’ve seen and experienced how far-ranging the impact of living with a rare disease like dermatomyositis can be.
My Medical Binder, My Rare Diagnosis — and Everything After
Because of what I’ve been through as a rare patient, I’m driven to help people facing similar challenges.
My Medical Binder, My Rare Diagnosis — and Everything After
Because of what I’ve been through as a rare patient, I’m driven to help people facing similar challenges.
Finding a New ‘Normal’
Having dermatomyositis is life-changing, and you never know what your new normal is going to be.
Finding a New ‘Normal’
Having dermatomyositis is life-changing, and you never know what your new normal is going to be.
3 Lives, 3 Different ALD Experiences
A conversation with three AllStripes Ambassadors for the ALD research program.
3 Lives, 3 Different ALD Experiences
A conversation with three AllStripes Ambassadors for the ALD research program.
The Power of Hashtags
After my son Lincoln was diagnosed, I started connecting with others all over the world about their PROS journeys.
The Power of Hashtags
After my son Lincoln was diagnosed, I started connecting with others all over the world about their PROS journeys.
11-Year-Old Matthew Has Advice for Anyone Whose Sibling Has a Rare Disease
Matthew and his older brother, Michael, enjoy goofing around together — just ask them what happened with a name tag at the National Institutes of Health!
11-Year-Old Matthew Has Advice for Anyone Whose Sibling Has a Rare Disease
Matthew and his older brother, Michael, enjoy goofing around together — just ask them what happened with a name tag at the National Institutes of Health!
Dreams of Motherhood, Deferred
As the founder of Sickle Cell Reproductive Health Education Directive, I’m fighting to end disparities and offer resources I wish I'd been able to access earlier on my infertility journey.
Dreams of Motherhood, Deferred
As the founder of Sickle Cell Reproductive Health Education Directive, I’m fighting to end disparities and offer resources I wish I'd been able to access earlier on my infertility journey.
Medical Research
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How Real Patient Experiences Can Make a Difference in the Fight Against Alzheimer’s
It’s an exciting time for Alzheimer’s disease research. The FDA approved the first new drug for Alzheimer’s in nearly 20 years in June 2021, and other potential treatments, targeting amyloid plaques in the brain, are making their way through clinical trials.1, 2 It’s a glimmer of hope for Alzheimer’s patients, who number over 6 million in the U.S. alone.
Medical Research
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How Real Patient Experiences Can Make a Difference in the Fight Against Alzheimer’s
It’s an exciting time for Alzheimer’s disease research. The FDA approved the first new drug for Alzheimer’s in nearly 20 years in June 2021, and other potential treatments, targeting amyloid plaques in the brain, are making their way through clinical trials.1, 2 It’s a glimmer of hope for Alzheimer’s patients, who number over 6 million in the U.S. alone.
I Know Firsthand the Treatment Options Are Not Adequate
Bethany, the co-founder of the Allo Hope Foundation, describes how her experience with alloimmunization and HDFN changed her life forever.
I Know Firsthand the Treatment Options Are Not Adequate
Bethany, the co-founder of the Allo Hope Foundation, describes how her experience with alloimmunization and HDFN changed her life forever.
The Most Important Thing I’ve Learned Since My Daughter Was Diagnosed With Kabuki Syndrome
Life with Roya means our family has to just let go a little bit and be in the present.
The Most Important Thing I’ve Learned Since My Daughter Was Diagnosed With Kabuki Syndrome
Life with Roya means our family has to just let go a little bit and be in the present.
What I Realized After My Son Ezra Was Diagnosed With IRF2BPL
Talking to other parents in the IRF2BPL community might not immediately change our situation, but it does validate our family’s experience with this ultra rare condition.
What I Realized After My Son Ezra Was Diagnosed With IRF2BPL
Talking to other parents in the IRF2BPL community might not immediately change our situation, but it does validate our family’s experience with this ultra rare condition.
The PicnicHealth guide to caregiving
Let’s face it: There’s a lot to manage when you embark on a caregiving journey for someone with Alzheimer’s disease. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re well along the path, there are symptoms to monitor, appointments to navigate, medications to manage, and a whole lot more. It’s easy to become overwhelmed—but a few strategic moves can go a long way toward alleviating stress and lightening your caregiver load. The following five tips can be your guide to supporting your loved one—and yourself—through the twists and turns of Alzheimer’s disease.
The PicnicHealth guide to caregiving
Let’s face it: There’s a lot to manage when you embark on a caregiving journey for someone with Alzheimer’s disease. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re well along the path, there are symptoms to monitor, appointments to navigate, medications to manage, and a whole lot more. It’s easy to become overwhelmed—but a few strategic moves can go a long way toward alleviating stress and lightening your caregiver load. The following five tips can be your guide to supporting your loved one—and yourself—through the twists and turns of Alzheimer’s disease.
Company Updates
 min read
PicnicHealth Gives Back this Holiday Season
PicnicHealth is excited to announce our Holiday 2021 Donation Campaign. PicnicHealth is donating to patient advocacy groups everytime a patient joins a PicnicHealth research study until January 2, 2022.
Life Sciences
Company Updates
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PicnicHealth Gives Back this Holiday Season
PicnicHealth is excited to announce our Holiday 2021 Donation Campaign. PicnicHealth is donating to patient advocacy groups everytime a patient joins a PicnicHealth research study until January 2, 2022.
Life Sciences
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8 Building Blocks for Constructing Good Data
We’re beginning a series: “Good Data Is”, where we’ll take a look at how to build good data and explore how best to optimize data capture, transformation and patient engagement
Life Sciences
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8 Building Blocks for Constructing Good Data
We’re beginning a series: “Good Data Is”, where we’ll take a look at how to build good data and explore how best to optimize data capture, transformation and patient engagement
Life Sciences
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Two studies using PicnicHealth hemophilia data to be presented at ASH 2021 Annual Meeting
The American Society of Hematology (ASH) recently accepted two of our abstracts for the upcoming 63rd ASH Annual Meeting, which will be held December 11-14, 2021.
Life Sciences
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Two studies using PicnicHealth hemophilia data to be presented at ASH 2021 Annual Meeting
The American Society of Hematology (ASH) recently accepted two of our abstracts for the upcoming 63rd ASH Annual Meeting, which will be held December 11-14, 2021.
Life Sciences
Medical Research
 min read
New Data Presented from LC-FAOD Odyssey
Long-chain Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders (LC-FAOD) are a group of rare conditions that impair the body’s metabolism from breaking down certain fats from food into energy. Although there are an estimated 2,000-3,5000 people living with LC-FAOD in the U.S., researchers have limited data on how LC-FAOD progresses overtime and how it is managed in the real world.
Medical Research
 min read
New Data Presented from LC-FAOD Odyssey
Long-chain Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders (LC-FAOD) are a group of rare conditions that impair the body’s metabolism from breaking down certain fats from food into energy. Although there are an estimated 2,000-3,5000 people living with LC-FAOD in the U.S., researchers have limited data on how LC-FAOD progresses overtime and how it is managed in the real world.
Our Daughter's Batten Disease Diagnosis Made Us Determined
Haley loves singing and horses, but watching little pieces of her fall away has been hard. It’s why we founded the Haley’s Heroes Foundation.
Our Daughter's Batten Disease Diagnosis Made Us Determined
Haley loves singing and horses, but watching little pieces of her fall away has been hard. It’s why we founded the Haley’s Heroes Foundation.
For Me, CN1 Meant a Liver Transplant — and Learning to Sleep Without Phototherapy Lights
These days, I'm managing a liver transplant rather than CN1.
For Me, CN1 Meant a Liver Transplant — and Learning to Sleep Without Phototherapy Lights
These days, I'm managing a liver transplant rather than CN1.
‘Hi, My Mom Has PSP’
Listen to Sylvia and Mubina explain how they bonded for life over caring for their mothers, who both had the rare disease progressive supranuclear palsy.
‘Hi, My Mom Has PSP’
Listen to Sylvia and Mubina explain how they bonded for life over caring for their mothers, who both had the rare disease progressive supranuclear palsy.
 min read
Get Ready for ACR Convergence - New Reports Leveraging Unstructured Data in Lupus Nephritis Real-World Data
The Lupus Foundation of America estimates that 1.5 million Americans, and at least 5 million people worldwide, have a form of Lupus.
Life Sciences
 min read
Get Ready for ACR Convergence - New Reports Leveraging Unstructured Data in Lupus Nephritis Real-World Data
The Lupus Foundation of America estimates that 1.5 million Americans, and at least 5 million people worldwide, have a form of Lupus.
Life Sciences
 min read
The Evidence Base and PicnicHealth put Data Completeness In Focus
he Evidence Base and PicnicHealth partnered to put Data Completeness In Focus. Dan Drozd, MD, PicnicHealth’s Chief Medical Officer sat down with Darcy Hodge, Editor of the Evidence Base to talk about the importance of data completeness, unstructured data and additional factors that impact the generation of high-quality real-world evidence. Listen to the podcast, part of the In Focus feature by visiting The Evidence Base. A transcript of the interview appears below.
Life Sciences
 min read
The Evidence Base and PicnicHealth put Data Completeness In Focus
he Evidence Base and PicnicHealth partnered to put Data Completeness In Focus. Dan Drozd, MD, PicnicHealth’s Chief Medical Officer sat down with Darcy Hodge, Editor of the Evidence Base to talk about the importance of data completeness, unstructured data and additional factors that impact the generation of high-quality real-world evidence. Listen to the podcast, part of the In Focus feature by visiting The Evidence Base. A transcript of the interview appears below.
Life Sciences
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