Join the DISCOVER-HCM Registry study to help researchers learn more about HCM.
Your information is secured and key-coded. Sign up in minutes.
Study Eligibility: You can enroll in DISCOVER-HCM Registry study if you have been diagnosed with HCM, and are 18 years or older (other inclusion/exclusion criteria apply).
BMS is conducting the DISCOVER-HCM Registry study, an observational research study to investigate treatment patterns and impact on quality of life for 1,500 HCM patients across the US. Your medical information will be captured by medical record review by site coordinators and doctors. PicnicHealth will supplement that data by centrally collecting and organizing your medical records, and key-coding (removing your name and identifying information with an assigned unique code) the data for the DISCOVER-HCM Registry study. Signing up for the PicnicHealth application is optional and does not affect your overall study enrollment status.
More than anything, researchers need data from actual HCM patient journeys -lots of data- to identify patterns and find answers.
What are the patterns of treatment for those with HCM in the real-world?
What is the impact of various treatments for HCM on people's quality of life?
If you are enrolled in DISCOVER-HCM Registry study, and receive care in the US, it takes just a few minutes to sign up.
No commitment—you're free to opt out at any time.
With your permission, we contact your care providers to collect your health history—imaging files, test results, and doctors' notes.
Our rigorous multi-step process removes all identifying information. See our Privacy Pledge. We will assign your data with a unique code before sharing with BMS and IQVIA researchers.
We combine your key-coded health data with others to create an invaluable dataset—only for DISCOVER-HCM Registry study researchers.
If you sign up for the PicnicHealth application, you will be able to gain access to your digitized medical records for free, for the duration of the study or until you withdraw from the study, or cancel your PicnicHealth application. You can maintain services to the PicnicHealth application after the end of the DISCOVER-HCM Registry study at your own expense.
So you can focus on making an impact.
Being transparent about our data practices is important to us. We want you to completely understand how we use your information.
With your permission, we work with your care providers to collect anything related to your health history: imaging files, test results, doctor’s notes in both digital and paper format. Your doctors are provided with our highly secure private portal to transfer the information to us.
We extract only the information that is valuable for researchers and replace anything identifiable with a randomized ID number through our proprietary, multi-step, de-identification technology. Your data is then assigned a unique code, or key-coded, and then compiled with many others into a comprehensive data report, and shared with IQVIA and BMS authorized researchers through a private portal.
Your key-coded health data will be shared with DISCOVER-HCM registry study researchers. We will only use your collected health data in accordance with the consent provided in relation to the DISCOVER-HCM Registry study. See our terms and conditions.