Your experience could provide key insights for PK Deficiency research

Join the Pyruvate Kinase (PK) Deficiency Real World Observational Study sponsored by Agios Pharmaceuticals to help researchers learn more about pyruvate kinase deficiency. This study is an opportunity for you to tell others your story and what it’s like to live with or care for someone with PK deficiency. We can also help make it easier for you to keep your medical records organized, while contributing to important research for the PK deficiency community. Sign up in minutes.

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Study Eligibility: You can enroll in the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study if you are diagnosed with pyruvate kinase deficiency and live and receive medical care in the US. Additionally, if you are a family member providing care for someone with PK 
deficiency you can also take part in the study by completing surveys.

What is the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study?

The PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study is dedicated to understanding the care journey of patients with pyruvate kinase deficiency and their caregivers across the US. First, with your permission, we will collect your medical records. After de-identifying the data (removing your name and identifying information with an assigned unique code), we will summarize and organize the information to use for medical research and also for you to review and use. Additionally, you will be asked to fill out a survey after you sign up for this study that will ask questions about living or caring for someone with PK deficiency and how it impacts your life. Agios Pharmaceuticals is working with PicnicHealth and Adelphi Real World to develop this study.

You may also have heard of the Peak registry global study, which is a separate Agios-sponsored study of PK deficiency. The PK deficiency Real World Observational Study is a different study from the Peak registry global study, and you may participate in both studies separately.

Join the community to change what we know about PK Deficiency.

To help learn more about PK deficiency, researchers need data from people 
with PK deficiency and their caregivers to learn more about how the condition affects their daily life. Examples of topics researchers are hoping to understand includes:

  • Evaluate the burden associated with PK deficiency from the perspective of patients and caregivers
  • Identify how chronic hemolytic anemia, regular transfusions, and surgical interventions may impact patient outcomes
  • Assess how PK deficiency management works in the real world

How does the PicnicHealth Application work?

It takes just a few minutes to sign up for the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study. No commitment—you're free to opt-out at any time.

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Gather your health history

With your permission, we will contact your (or your child’s or of the person you care for) healthcare providers to collect medical records —imaging files, test results, and doctors' notes. PicnicHealth will allow you to see your full medical history, including scans and imaging, all in one place.

Medical records will only be collected for the person with PK deficiency.

Ensuring your privacy

Our rigorous multi-step process removes all identifying information, which is called de-identification. See the PicnicHealth Privacy Pledge and Agios Privacy Notice. We 
will assign your data a unique identifier before sharing with Agios researchers.

Compile for research

We combine your de-identified health data with others to create an invaluable dataset—only for PK Deficiency researchers.

If you sign up for PicnicHealth, you will be able to gain access to your digitized medical records for free for the duration of the study, or until you withdraw from the study, or cancel your PicnicHealth enrollment. You can maintain services to the PicnicHealth application after the end of the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study at your own expense.

Compensation for completing health surveys at home

When you join PicnicHealth, you (and if applicable, your child or the adult you care for) will be invited to complete health and well-being surveys which you will be compensated
for. Both the person with PK deficiency and their caregiver (if applicable) will be eligible to complete surveys and receive compensation. These surveys help researchers understand your daily experience and capture insights that may not be available through medical records.

We pledge to protect your privacy

What we collect and how we get it.

With your permission, we work with your care providers to collect anything related to your health history: imaging files, test results, and doctor’s notes in both digital and paper format. Your doctors utilize our highly secure private portal to transfer the information to us.

How we make your data de-identified.

We extract only the information that is valuable for researchers and replace anything identifiable (e.g. your name, address, etc.) with a randomized ID number through our proprietary, multi-step, de-identification technology. Your data is then assigned a unique code, or de-identified, and then combined with many others into a comprehensive data report, and shared with Agios’ researchers through a secure, private portal.

Who can see your data

Your de-identified health data will be shared with PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study researchers. We will only use your collected health data in accordance with the consent provided to the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study conditions and privacy policy.

Despite making our best efforts, it’s never possible to fully guarantee that your personally identifiable information (e.g., name, date of birth) will never become known. For example, data may be vulnerable in transit, or servers may be accessed by unauthorized individuals. If at any point your identifiable information does become known by unauthorized individuals, the PicnicHealth Legal Team or Privacy Officer will notify the relevant parties as required by government regulation. Please visit PicnicHealth’s privacy policy and Agios’ Privacy Notice for additional information.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does PicnicHealth do?

PicnicHealth works directly with people like you to help collect and manage your medical records. That means going out and collecting all of your medical records from your doctors and keeping them up-to-date over time. PicnicHealth will then transform those records into a timeline that makes it easier to find what you’re looking for. When you see your doctor again, PicnicHealth will update your timeline with new records. You can access your PicnicHealth timeline from anywhere and even share it with your doctors if you would like to with a few clicks.

About PicnicHealth
How can I use my PicnicHealth timeline?

When you sign up for PicnicHealth, they will create a timeline of your medical records. Your PicnicHealth timeline provides a single source of information for you and your doctors. It is a tool to help you coordinate your care and understand your health. You can share your timeline with any of your doctors with a few clicks. The doctor will receive a secure link and get access to your medical history if you choose to share it with them.

What to Expect
Will my medical records be secure?

PicnicHealth and Agios take privacy very seriously. Your medical records are kept safe using the highest encryption standard available: 256-bit SSL. This is the same technology that banks use to keep account information safe.

Data and Privacy
What is the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study?

The Pyruvate Kinase (PK) Deficiency Real World Observational Study is a study sponsored by Agios Pharmaceuticals to help researchers learn more about pyruvate kinase deficiency.

About the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study
Who can sign up for the Pyruvate Kinase (PK) Deficiency Real World Observational Study?

Adults and children diagnosed with PK deficiency who live and receive medical care in the United States can participate in the study.

Unfortunately, anyone who is part of an ongoing mitapivat clinical trial will not be able to participate in the study.

We also want to learn more about the impact that PK Deficiency has on caregivers. If you are a family member providing care or assistance for someone living with PK deficiency, whether they are an adult or a child, you are eligible to sign-up for this study as a caregiver. Caregivers may only sign up if a patient signs up.

About the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study
Can medical records really help with research?

Medical records document what’s actually happening when doctors see patients, so they can be really helpful for understanding how care is delivered. They also contain a lot of information about a patient’s condition, like PK Deficiency, health status, and care. Putting all of this information together for a diverse group of patients will allow the scientific community to see patterns that no one doctor can see on his or her own individual patient, enabling the community to better care for individuals living with PK Deficiency.

About PicnicHealth
What kinds of medical records do you collect?

PicnicHealth will collect medical records from all the doctors, hospitals, and clinics that you tell us about. PicnicHealth does not collect dental or optometry records.

What to Expect
How will my personal and health information be kept private?

As part of this study, data will be extracted from your medical records in a manner that ensures that your medical and personal information is kept confidential. To do this, PicnicHealth will assign you a unique patient identification number that will be used on any of your medical data that is used for this study, or in any other study. Data will not include your name, picture, address, or any other personally identifying information.

Please review the PicnicHealth Privacy Pledge and Agios Privacy Notice for more information.

Data and Privacy
How do I know my information will not be shared by anyone outside of the study?

PicnicHealth will never share your records without your explicit consent.

By signing up for the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study and the PicnicHealth application, you're agreeing to share your de-identified medical records collected by PicnicHealth in accordance with the consent provided in relation to the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study.

PicnicHealth will de-identify your records and will share their de-identified information with qualified researchers to better understand your disease.

Note that only the information collected immediately following sign up will be used for research purposes.

You can also choose to share the collected medical records using the share function at the top of your PicnicHealth timeline. You will be the only person who can access your medical records on PicnicHealth. No one — including your doctor or insurance company — will be able to see your medical records unless you choose to share them.

About PicnicHealth
Can I see what my records will look like in my PicnicHealth account?

Yes. You can view this sample timeline.

What to Expect
Can I delete my medical records from PicnicHealth?

You may choose to delete your medical records from the PicnicHealth service at any time and for any reason. Just email PicnicHealth at [email protected].

Data and Privacy
How do I sign my child up for the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study?

Everyone who wishes to join the study will use the same sign-up link found onthe PicnicHealth study webpage. During the sign-up process, you will be asked if you are signing up for yourself, or someone else. Select “someone else” and you will be prompted to provide information about your child during the sign-up process.

About the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study
What if I can't remember the names of all my doctors?

That's ok. Enter as many doctors as you remember. The hospital or clinic name is usually enough and the PicnicHealth team will follow up with you if there’s any confusion. If PicnicHealth finds doctors mentioned in your records who you did not include on your doctor list, you will get an email asking for your permission to request records from that new doctor.

What to Expect
If I am signing my child up for this study, how will they participate? What will be asked of me as the parent/guardian?

Every parent/guardian will fill out a survey, called a proxy-report, on behalf of their child if the child is 17 years old or younger.

If your child is 8 years of age or older, they will fill out their own survey, called a self-report.

Every parent/guardian will also be able to fill out a caregiver-specific survey in addition to the proxy-report survey.

Completion of each version of the survey (self-report, proxy-report, caregiver- specific) is compensated at $30 each.

About the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study
Will PicnicHealth update my medical records every time I see the doctor?

PicnicHealth will update your medical records regularly (approximately 4 times a year). To keep your records most up-to-date, you can always tell PicnicHealth when you have seen the doctor. Just click the “Request Records” button at the top of the timeline, and PicnicHealth will retrieve new records for you.

What to Expect
How do adults with PK deficiency who are not able to sign up or complete surveys themselves participate in the study?

In the case that an adult with PK deficiency (aged 18 years or older) is unable to sign up or complete the survey themselves, the caregiver/guardian of an adult patient with PoA for the adult patient may sign up and complete a survey on the patient’s behalf. During the sign-up process, the caregiver will be asked if they are signing up for themselves, or someone else. They should select “someone else” and will be prompted to provide information about the adult with PK deficiency during the sign-up process.

In addition to filling out an adult patient survey on behalf of the adult with PK deficiency, every caregiver/guardian of an adult with PK deficiency will also be able to fill out a caregiver-specific survey.

Completion of each version of the survey (adult patient survey, caregiver- specific) is compensated at $30 each.

About the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study
What should I do if I notice there are medical records missing from my PicnicHealth timeline?

In the first month, some records might be missing because PicnicHealth is still collecting them for you. After the first month, if you suspect that records are still missing, you can let us know about those records by clicking "Request Records" at the top of your timeline. If you suspect that any information on your Timeline is incorrect, please contact us at [email protected].

What to Expect
How can I participate in this study as a caregiver?

Whether you are a parent/guardian of a minor with PK deficiency, or provide care for an adult with PK deficiency, you can participate in this study by answering questions about your experience caring for individuals with PK deficiency.

During study sign-up you will have the choice to “sign-up for someone else”. You should select this option and then fill out the information as prompted during sign-up.

If you are a parent or guardian, fill out your information and your child’s information as prompted during sign-up. You will then be asked to consent for your child’s participation in the study, as well as for your participation in answering surveys as a caregiver.

If you are a caregiver/guardian that is signing up another adult for the study (aged 18 years or older), you will need to provide a power of attorney (POA) document to legally be able to consent for the adult you provide care for. You will be prompted to provide this information during the study sign-up. As a caregiver to an adult with PK deficiency, you will also be asked to consent to your participation in answering surveys as a caregiver.

About the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study
How is PicnicHealth part of the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study?

PicnicHealth has partnered with Agios Pharmaceuticals and another third-party, Adelphi Real World, to help researchers collect and manage medical records in order to learn more about how people living with PK deficiency are affected by their disease.

When you sign up for the study, PicnicHealth will organize your medical records on a secure online platform that you will be able to access. To protect your privacy, information that directly identifies you will be removed, and a unique code will be assigned to your medical records (de-identified) before sharing with others for the purpose of this study. The information gathered from patient medical records is helpful for researchers to understand real-world care patterns and short- and long-term outcomes.

About the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study
What should I do if I see a new doctor?

At the top of your timeline, click on "Doctors" to add new doctors or medical facilities. PicnicHealth will then collect your records from your new doctors. If you have any questions about how to use the timeline, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

What to Expect
How are PicnicHealth, Agios, and Adelphi Real World connected?

Agios is the research sponsor of the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study.

Agios has engaged PicnicHealth, a digital health company, to help collect & manage study participants’ medical records for the purpose of this study.

Adelphi was engaged to help develop the patient and caregiver surveys

About the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study
How long will it take to get my medical records?

It takes about 3 to 4 weeks to retrieve most of your historical medical records. The timing mainly depends on how quickly your doctors respond to PicnicHealth's requests for your records.

What to Expect
What do I need to do to participate in the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study?

To participate you will need to sign up for PicnicHealth, list information about your healthcare providers in an onboarding survey, complete a medical record collection consent form, and an informed consent form. This process should take approximately 20 minutes in total

After you sign up, you will be asked to complete a survey assessing health- related quality of life, the indirect cost and daily life impact on patients and caregivers associated with PK deficiency. We estimate each survey will take another approximately 20 minutes

About the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study
How far back will you collect historical records?s

In most states, doctors are required to keep records for at least 7 years, but many will keep them for much longer. So how far back we can go really depends on the record-keeping practices of your doctors.

What to Expect
Will PicnicHealth cost me anything?

No, it will not cost you anything. You can access your medical records collectedfor this study through PicnicHealth free of charge for the duration of the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study.

About the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study
How will I be compensated for my time to participate?

Compensation will be provided through a Visa gift card for your participation in this study. Participants will be compensated for signing up to join the study and for completing each survey.

You will be compensated $30 for joining the study and $30 for completing each survey. In the case that an adult patient is unable to complete the survey themselves, their caregiver may complete the patient survey on their behalf.

You will receive your first gift card once the PK deficiency diagnosis is verified (around 4 - 6 weeks after study sign-up) which will reflect your total compensation based on survey completion.

Please note that the timeframe may vary depending on how responsive your doctor’s office is when requesting records.

About the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study
How do you determine what questions to ask for this PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study?

Agios, PicnicHealth, and Adelphi spoke with people living with PK deficiency, caregivers, and doctors that specialize in treating PK Deficiency to identify meaningful questions about the impact of PK deficiency that have not yet been answered by research.

About the PK Deficiency Real World Observational Study

Share your history to change the future of PK Deficiency

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Have questions? Email us at [email protected].