When a Rare Disease Threatens Your Livelihood — and Your Life

Stephen V. Smith
August 1, 2022
Blog post originally written by the AllStripes community team. AllStripes was acquired by PicnicHealth in 2023.

Being diagnosed with myasthenia gravis helped me redefine my life and set my business on a new and better course.

“You’ll be in the hospital about a week,” the neurologist said as he completed the orders for my admission to neuro ICU.

An entire week? My mind was reeling. It was February 2015, and I had appointments on my calendar, meetings to attend and people to manage in the growing agency my wife and I owned and operated. An unexpected week away from work just wouldn’t work for me.

Little did I know that my inability to swallow was the beginning of a myasthenic crisis that would threaten my life, realign our world and keep me hospitalized for nearly seven weeks.

Myasthenia gravis is a wily disease. For some, it’s limited to the occasional droopy eyelid. For others, it leaves them immobile with the possibility of a major health crisis ever looming.

For me, slight chewing problems were the first signals there was a problem. That was the fall of 2013, and for the next year I saw several doctors as symptoms worsened and went through numerous tests before the diagnosis came. Even then, it was a surprise to the neurologist who’d said “we’ll do some blood work to check for MG, but I’m fairly certain what you’re dealing with is stress.”

After the diagnosis, I again took time away from work to meet with the neurologist to discuss treatment options. He prescribed some medications. What he did next is an image forever etched in my mind. Forming a claw with his right hand, he placed his fingers on my chest and said, “At some point that thymus gland has to come out.”

I knew what had to be done to get to that gland, so I wasn’t excited about enduring such an invasive procedure. Plus, with the odds being “50% of patients who have a thymectomy go into remission in three to five years,” I didn’t think the risk was worth the impact surgery would have on me and my work schedule.

My mind was made up. No thymectomy. Then my primary care doctor read over the results of a CT scan while I babbled on about not wanting to have the surgery unless of course there was a tumor, a thymoma. “You do have a thymoma,” he said looking up. And that marked the beginning of a new chapter.

My wife and I talked about the options, knowing that in most cases thymomas are benign (as mine turned out to be). But I hadn’t been on the right side of the odds so far with this journey, so we decided not to take any chances. We assembled our team at work, discussed upcoming projects and scheduled surgery for early December. That would put recovery in the slower time of year for our business, creating minimal disruption.

But MG had other plans. In late January 2015, six weeks after a seemingly successful thymectomy, all my symptoms came back with a vengeance. In a matter of days I went from a slightly weak swallow to being completely unable to get medicine or anything else down. And that led me to the neurologist’s office where he admitted me for what he thought might be seven days.

The ensuing seven weeks found me in ICU most of the time, with the exception of a glimmer of hope when I was discharged to an inpatient rehab a few floors above me. We thought that was the beginning of my path toward home, only to be terribly discouraged when I lost my swallow again. Looking back, neither my wife nor I fully grasped how life-threatening my situation was. We did, however, realize that we simply didn’t know how this ordeal was going to play out. It was time to bring in some key people in our company for a conversation.

With them gathered around my hospital bed, we doled out assignments. Sure, folks had titles and areas of responsibility, but up to that point our operation was still very much Stephen and his support staff. We trusted these people, and now we would trust them with far more. We empowered them. We gave them direction. And we told them to run their areas of focus as if I wasn’t coming back to work.

After a few weeks, a member of the neurology team was successful in getting me transferred to a renown research hospital nearby. “We’ve done all we know to do for you here,” he said. “I believe they can help you.”

They did. The research hospital got me stabilized, installed a stomach tube and released me in late March. Most of 2014 was spent regaining my mobility, building up strength and learning to live with limitations. I increased my workload, and at times had to be reminded to pull back. But I had learned a valuable lesson in a dramatic way, and would never go back to micromanaging the entire operation.

The hardest thing I’d ever endured turned out to be the best thing for our business. With a solid organizational chart in place, we experienced significant growth. Within a few years we landed on the Inc. 5000 list of America’s fastest growing independently owned companies. In 2020 our agency was acquired by an organization on the opposite side of the country, giving us a presence and client base from coast to coast.

While there are many takeaways from our experience for small business owners, a few apply to any rare disease patient — or caregiver, for that matter — who is trying to maintain a job while managing a chronic condition.

  1. When you must, you can. Before my crisis, I found it difficult to take off more than a few consecutive days for a vacation. There was just no way I could be away from work that long, I reasoned. Yet faced with no other option, I found a way. It wasn’t easy, but I had no other choice.
  2. We all need a contingency plan. The chances are good that at some point in your life you will face an event that will disrupt your schedule and your income. Think through how you will handle this. Build up your savings account. Buy short-term disability insurance. Create a written plan for how your personal affairs should be managed.
  3. There is joy in the journey. I’ve always relished starting a project, closing a loop and dreaming up the next big thing. By moving quickly from A to B, while already looking ahead to C and D, a person misses the joy that is found in the paths along the way. Life’s true richness — not to mention the lessons that make us stronger — is found in the journey we share with those walking beside us.

Stephen V. Smith is a writer and entrepreneur who makes his home among the mountains and creeks of his native Northeast Alabama. You can interact with him at stephenvsmith.com.


Stephen V. Smith

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Create a List

List the names of all the doctors, hospitals, and other facilities your loved one visits regularly, along with those they have visited in the past. Try to go back as far as you can, striving for at least the last 5-10 years, but do your best. Even if you can’t remember them all, having a strong baseline can help you quickly identify gaps in records.

Ensure You Have the Appropriate Legal Status

It is important to make sure that you are fully empowered to make decisions on behalf of your loved one with Alzheimer’s. Your relationship status with the patient may not be enough to legally give you access to your loved one's medical information. It is a good idea to talk to an expert about securing special legal status, such as Power of Attorney (POA), a legal document that allows an individual to name someone as their decision maker should they no longer be able to make decisions on their own.

Gather and Organize the Medical Records in One Place

It’s important to have all of your loved one’s medical records together in one spot. This makes it much easier for you and your loved one’s physicians to accurately map the patient’s medical journey and more easily share information between doctors. Fortunately, tools exist to make record management and access simple. A free resource like PicnicHealth helps you collect and organize all of this information. PicnicHealth’s intuitive timeline allows you to pinpoint data across the medical history, eliminating your need for keeping heavy binders filled with paper records or keeping track of multiple software portal logins.

Review the Medical Records to be an Informed Advocate

The better you understand your loved one's medical history, the better you can advocate on their behalf. Access and understanding of this information will help you to ask informed questions with physicians. Through regular communication backed by the data in the medical records, you can help your loved one’s care team develop a more successful care plan.

Learn more about PicnicHealth’s commitment to the Alzheimer’s community and the Alzheimer’s Association

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Together, we can make a difference.

Learn more about PicnicHealth’s commitment to the Alzheimer’s community and the Alzheimer’s Association

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Build a support network.

When you’re juggling appointment times and insurance claims, putting a robust support system together might not strike you as the most urgent task. Investing the time to cultivate relationships with people can turn to in times of need will pay dividends. The next time you need a last-minute ride or just someone to listen, you won’t be on your own.

There are many condition-specific support groups and support groups for caregivers generally in person or online. In addition to the encouragement and empathy they provide, support groups can be a helpful source of tips, resources, and recommendations for navigating caregiving.


Stay organized.

The backbone of effective caregiving is organization. Keep medical information, appointment schedules, and medication lists in order. Use a planner or a digital service like PicnicHealth to stay on top of your responsibilities. This attention to detail can prevent future complications and reduce day-to-day stress.


Explore treatments and clinical trials.

We’ve seen incredible breakthroughs in treatment over the past couple of years, powered by patients and their caregivers participating in research. Stay in the loop about the latest in medical advancements and available resources that could benefit your loved one. Whether it’s a new therapy option or a community service that aids independence, being informed can make a world of difference in the quality of care you provide.


Make time for self-care.

It may seem self-centered to focus on self-care—but when you feel good, you can be a better caregiver. Whether it’s exercise, a mindfulness practice, a soak in the bath, or just time to rest when you need it, carve out those moments in the day when you can unwind, reset, and stay healthy mentally and physically. Think of it as building up your reserves of kindness, patience, and understanding—which can only benefit your loved one. No one can pour from an empty cup.

Having trouble managing your loved one's medical records?

Easily manage all of your loved one's medical records and contribute to ongoing Alzheimer's research with PicnicHealth.

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LC-FAOD Odyssey: A Preliminary Analysis, presented at INFORM 2021

Data from real-world medical records:

(from 13 patients with LC-FAOD)

16 yrs old

Median age at enrollment

38% Female

15 providers / patient

7.5 years of data / patient

Data from patient-reported outcome (PRO) survey

(from 13 patients with LC-FAOD)

We hope you found this session informative! Sign up for PicnicHealth’s Alzheimer’s research program below.

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Tip: Download or print the poster at the end of this article to review before your next appointment!
However, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider or registered dietitian to determine the appropriate amount of protein for your individual needs. In general, a diet with moderate protein intake (about 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day) is recommended for people with kidney diseases.

Learn more about contributing to IgAN research with PicnicHealth. 

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Save The Top-10 List

Download this list to save onto your phone or print it out for your fridge!

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Keep an Eye on These Test Results

Download this poster to save onto your phone or print it out for your fridge!

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Resource Flyer

Explore the essential takeaways from Victoria's Webinar, along with some resources that she shared.

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Pre-Appointment Worksheet

Prepare for your loved one's next appointment

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